Illuminate your path

Spiritual support, guidance

& healing with MJ

Clouds pink sky
Gold Ganesha

Welcome! I’m MJ, an Intuitive Psychic, Reiki Master, Akashic Records Practitioner and mentor ~ and I’m so happy you’re here.

My intuitive sessions offer clear insights and practical guidance to help you overcome challenges and achieve your goals. Combining the Akashic records, intuitive readings and energy work, I identify and clear blocks, activate your inner power, and align you with your highest timeline. You’ll leave empowered, with a clear plan and practical steps to embrace your purpose and invite abundance into your life.

Each session is uniquely tailored to your needs, and I’m excited to call forward positive and transformative insights for you.

See what my beautiful clients experienced

“I'm speechless like seriously don't have any words, what I have seen and read above is like smack bang what I needed to read/hear and it confirms everything that's going on in my head! So much clarity! I've said it before but I have to say it again - YOU ARE BRILLIANT

— Lynda, Australia

“Thank you so much, this is a beautiful reading and I will absolutely be going over, it over and over it. Thank you again, I really appreciate this more than you can know. Your are so lucky to have this gift!!”

— Michelle, Australia

“Dear MJ, Thanku for my amazing reading, without doubt you totally understand my situation and give me direction. Once again you have given me guidance and reassurance throughout my reading, I always feel fulfilled afterwards. It gives me Peace. I am so grateful that u are in my life.

— Maree, Australia

"MJ has a truly amazing connection to universal energy that comes through her channeling in the way it's needed most. Her insights, suggestions, acknowledgement and healing words brought a feeling of deep validation and internal knowledge to my life that was greatly needed in the moment. Almost 2 months later I can still feel the power of her message, find new connections and synchronicities in her words, and can see the path that is unfolding for me. MJ is truly awesome!"

— Meg, USA

“Thank you MJ. Your incredible reading gave me comfort and hope that all will be well with my daughter. It gave me much needed insight, clarity and perspective. I’m following your suggestions, and already feel calmer and grounded.”

— Jackie, Australia

“My reading with MJ was extremely positive and helpful. She took the time to listen to me as we discussed my current situation and talked about useful things I can be doing to support myself and clear things that aren't working for me. Following the session, MJ provided some practical resources to assist me.”

— Charlie, Australia

“The message about work was spot on and something I've been talking to my guides about. I've been wanting to quit my job and do something completely different, so it's validating for me to receive that message from you, thank you so much!”

— Tanya, USA

“Thank you so very much MJ! EVERYTHING resonates I am speechless.... Looking forward to receiving your gorgeous deck to help me during this journey. Sending you tons of luv and blessings”

— Samira, USA