Discover your soul’s wisdom with Easy Oracle cards

Easy Oracle cards are a beautiful divination tool that is straightforward to use. Its energy allows you to easily connect with the cards, receive messages from Spirit and trust your intuition.

Easy oracle origin story ~ how it started

One day, during meditation, I received an intense and vivid download about creating an easy to use oracle deck, using 4 letter words to theme each card, plus magical, layered artwork ~ with 44 cards in total. Whenever I used other oracle or tarot cards I would second-guess my interpretation of the card and message if I had to reference the guidebook. I found this would block my flow and connection to Spirit.

With this new idea starting to bloom, my design and intuitive skills came together as the artwork and words flowed out of my effortlessly. I was creating my ideal deck – one that had no need for a guidebook, as all insights were contained on the cards themselves. This would allow an instant connection and ease of understanding of the messages that are received from Spirit. It would create a flow of intuition, helping to strengthen and build trust when using this ability we all hold within.

Tell me more about Easy Oracle cards

All insights and intentions are found on each card, allowing you to understand their messages instantly, without the need for a guidebook.

The cosmic artwork and keywords may spark additional insights based on your own interpretations or energy of the day. The artwork is Reiki-infused to bring forward positive energy and uplifting guidance as you use and connect with the deck.

This is a wonderful oracle deck to use for clarity, validation and provide opportunities for self-reflection. It brings awareness or shines a light on life's situations, challenges, or your path ahead.

I recommend using it daily, for ongoing support, or it can also be used in combination with other cards in larger spreads. Perfect for everyone from beginners to professional readers.

I self-published these cards and print them in Australia ~ I find this helps to retain its beautiful energy. I add additional Reiki healing to each deck as it is sent to its new owner. When you purchase a deck you are supporting a spiritual small business owner and I am truly grateful for you!

To connect with your own Easy Oracle deck, get yours over on Etsy.

Start connecting with your intuition & get your Easy Oracle deck today