Awaken your true potential with powerful, soulful transformations

Ready to unlock your spiritual potential, enhance your wellbeing, or gain clarity on your relationships or career?

These intuitive reading and healing sessions provide profound insights to help you release energetic blocks, experience uplifting shifts and allow you to connect deeply with your true inner power.

This guidance will help you navigate your path forward with ease, abundance and purpose. Get ready to live your life aligned to your highest timeline!

Each session is recorded, so you can revisit the empowering messages and healing anytime. Bring your questions or come with an open heart, and let Spirit guide you toward inspiration and a vibrant, fulfilling path. ✨

To my beautiful overseas clients: if you can’t find a time to suit – please reach out as I am happy to accommodate.

Tell me more about a session

Each session is unique, but may include things like channelled messages from Spirit or your guides, discovering and activating your spiritual gifts, chakra clearing/energy balancing, Akashic Records, past lives, Quantum galactic energy healing, Reiki Master energy healing, spiritual coaching, medical intuition, starseeds, affirmations, dream interpretation, mediumship, light code activations and more.

My clients have experienced some beautiful benefits from our transformative time together including:

  • step into their intuitive gifts and own their power

  • confidence to change jobs/career or create their own business

  • improve relationships (with family/friends) or clearing energy from past relationships

  • improved sleep

  • overcome fears

  • increased abundance

  • instant manifestation

  • stronger connection with guides / starseed origins

  • released chronic pain

  • empowered insights for health journeys

  • understanding of their soul’s purpose

  • releasing trauma from past lives

  • and more

Feel free to email me with questions ~ or if you know this is aligned for you ~ book your session!

The uplifting results my clients enjoyed after our sessions

The most impactful sessions happen when my clients come with an open mind and heart!
Discover more about their experiences in the testimonials here.

“My gosh, thank you so much!!! That reading was so so spot on! Everything you shared has made me feel really at ease with the upcoming changes. You’re an angel, thank you so so much.”

— Kathryn, Australia

“Your reading with the energy of my Chakras was 100% You were totally 100% accurate. So THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! Your channeled reading for me is so in tune!! It's All exactly what I'm going through. Even with the diet!! 🤯🤯 🤣😂😅”

— Barbie, USA

“Taking an hour out of my busy life to get a reading from MJ was the best thing I could have done today. So many helpful messages came through and I feel re-focused and hopeful about things in my world. I can’t wait to call in the reiki energy tonight.”

— Bec, Australia

Beautiful, wonderful and extremely insightful. I felt at ease and loved hearing the wisdom MJ and the cards had to say. Thank you for the opportunity to be seen. I have confidence in the future. Thank you for my reiki healing, I received it last night. You're pure magic.”

— Kim, Australia

“You’re amazing! Feel uplifted and energerised after it! Thanks heaps for all your love, wisdom and guidance it's just MAGIC! Can't believe you had it spot on!”

— Linda, Australia

“Hi MJ! everything you saw made sense to me!! your sensitivity and mediumship are amazing! you inspire me! I am very happy for this gift! I can’t stop crying. hearing from my guides was wonderful!  but knowing about my grandfather was something very special for me!  it was very beautiful. Thank you so much!!!”

— Camilla, Brazil

“Thank you so much MJ for the guidance and I would love to reach out again in the future (for a reading). Much appreciation again to your amazing work, MJ…..thank you so much”

— Ronnie, Australia

“The message MJ channeled for me was very uplifting and reassuring and she was very accurate in her assessment of the energy and emotions I have been experiencing. After my reading I felt much calmer, more optimistic and able to recognise that although I have felt very 'stuck', I am actually moving forward.”

— Robina, Australia

“Awww thank you so much MJ, this is so helpful, your so sweet, honestly this helped so much !! all the work that your doing and your amazing job has such a good impact on people’s lives, and your honestly the sweetest person I’ve ever meet !!”

— Olivia, New Zealand

“Ahhh! Thank you so much! This is amazing! I’m really excited to get some dream info! Thank you for this!!! I didn’t know there would be so much to it! How cool! You made me smile!”

— Elizabeth, Italy

This makes perfect sense! You offer such a unique perspective as someone who understands how hard chronic illness can be on a person. Everything you said resonated with me and I felt incredibly seen and validated. Your reading was timely, easy to understand, and you even took the time to provide me with resources and tools to use on my healing journey.

— Skyler, USA

“I reach out to MJ whenever I’m feeling unsettled or stirred, and within a few moments she grounds me with her kind and approachable nature, and shared wisdom. She’s always so accommodating and flexible with appointment times also.”

— Alexandra, Australia